Artist: El Ten Eleven
Album; El Ten Eleven
Year: 2004
Genre: Post-Rock, Math Rock
Country: U.S.
Lets pick up where we left off. El Ten Eleven is one of those bands that people should hear more about, but they don't. Maybe its a good thing, maybe a bad thing, but they should be more known. They should be better than $8 for a show in a bar called Mojos. But really, fans can't complain about cheap tickets and music dweebs can still remain elite with their 'obscurities'. El Ten Eleven though, are far from obscurity. Sure their name isn't really heard around a lot in day to day life, but at least their music is very accessible. Arguably the most accessible album to be featured on this blog to date.
Cue descriptive music paragraph. Though it may sound like a 4 or 5 piece instrumental project, the band actually consists of two members. As well as this, there is no 'studio magic', just two guys who have a serious knack for multi-tasking, and looping. Playing Bass with one hand, and harmonic guitars with another, as well as keeping a drum beat with one hand and playing keys with another. A normal person would crack at this pressure, believe me, I've tried. They seem to do it flawlessly though which makes it all more amazing. See for yourself in the video below.
While the first half of the album is definitely the greater half, the whole album deserves an intent listen. It is a great album as it is, and think about all the elbow grease put in to perfect and play it makes it all the more amazing.
Rating: A
1. My Only Swerving
2. Sorry About your Irony
3. Lorge
4. 1969
5. Central Nervous Piston
6. Thinking Loudly
7. Fanshawe
8. Connie
9. Bye Mom