Saturday, February 12, 2011


Yeah I know, I need to post more music. I've been slacking.
Tomorrow, I promise.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm getting sick of Classic Rock Elitists

I like Classic Rock, Its alright. I must admit though, It is the most over-hyped genre of music that is still played today. The music is fine, my problem is the fans. Classic Rock fans are probably the most closed minded people you will ever meet. "Hurr durr music hasn't been the same since 1983, or whatever." If you know someone whose favorite genre is Classic Rock, chances are they don't listen to anything else. They will disregard all other genres, especially modern bands. If its not Zeppelin, they will hate it.
The Classic Rock Radio stations are the worst though. Honestly, I think i've heard every song played on there at least 76234847 times my life. They are fueling the idea that the best music has already been produced, and that we have to listen on repeat rather than explore new stuff.
I don't know why I'm writing this, I guess I'm just bored.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Rooftops - A Forest of Polarity

Artist: Rooftops
Album: A Forest of Polarity
Year: 2010
Genre: Melodic Math Rock
Country: U.S. (Washington)

Melodic Math Rock. There's a genre that hardly exists. Take account of almost all Math Rock, and its usually some of the most abrasive, confusing music out there. However, most people like music for enjoyment, not to think the entire time. The people who are only into 'intellectual' music, are usually the most pretentious people you will ever meet. Math Rock comes from Progressive Rock, which also experiments with all sorts of time signatures and abrupt tempo changes. Think Rush, Genesis and King Crimson as the most well known of the genre. Maybe Jethro Tull as well. Its iffy though.
So what makes Rooftops so special? The album is quite minimalistic. The only obvious instruments are the drums, guitar and bass. Vocals are extremely scarce. As said before though, this music is melodic. It is easy listening. This makes for a more catchy, accessible album.
The album as a whole though can wire you up. Its sort of 'get-up-and-go music'. Just listen, and you will see what is meant by that. The songs however, don't sound a whole lot different that one another, which admittedly, can get a little redundant. Still, in the long run it is a fantastic album and is not hard t listen to, more fun to listen to.
Protip: All the song titles are anagrams.
Rating: B

1. Fiery Atlas
2. Astray Life
3. I Fast Early
4. Raft Easily
5. Year as Lift
6. Tear as I Fly
7. A Layer Fits
8. Leafy Stair
9. Era Falsity
10. Sea Frailty


Friday, February 4, 2011

For those who actually know me.

You may have noticed, but I have lately been completely isolating myself from the world. True, most of these days, I was snowed into my house and stuck there, but I've actually gone out of my way to ensure that I'm not bothered. For instance, I've deleted my facebook account, don't post any more videos on my youtube account, and don't respond to many text messages. I apologize, but I feel the need to be alone the next couple of weeks. I know I'm already anti-social as fuck, but I'm pretty sure becoming a total recluse for the next couple of days, weeks, whatever, will be good for me and help me figure myself out.
Don't be concerned about how little I update on here, and how little I strive to make contact with my friends because, honestly, we live about as far away from each other as we could. I'm going to try and move onto a new sector of my life because pining after the old one is starting to get redundant, and is starting to depress me more and more.
For those who don't know me, disregard this, and keep downloading.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Oh, If Only....

Hopefully, I can save up enough to purchase one of these suckers for my future studio. I especially like how the vocals sound with it.
Currently, I'm working on getting a good MIDI keyboard, an 8 track, a couple SM-57s or 58s, and possibly a new amp, preferably a tube amp.
Get ready, debt, here I come.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Carbon Based Lifeforms - World of Sleepers

Artist: Carbon Based Lifeforms
Album: World of Sleepers
Year: 2006
Genre: Ambient, Psybient, Electronic, Chillout
Country: Sweeden

Ah, Ambient Music. I'm assuming that if you have any interest at all in Ambient Music, you already have Music For Airports by Brian Eno. If you don't, you best start downloading. While this doesn't sound a whole lot like this, it is definitley something worth checking out if you're a fan.
A good comparison of this would be Helios, another Ambient band. But really, if this is your first step into Ambient Music here, don't worry about it. Ambient Music is one of those genres you will either embrace, or hate. Its pretty hard to get really into, but once you do, its incredible. However, many people consider it boring, tedious, pointless and annoying. True, it's not your conventional verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-verse-chorus, but if you're smart enough, you realize social norms are meant to be broken. This includes music norms.
For the people who love to focus on the beat, it's still there. It's hard to find at times, but honestly, Carbon Based Lifeforms is very entry-level Ambient. Brain Eno and Aphex Twin tier. But on this record, you will hear a variety if instruments. The beat sounds like live drumming half of the time, there is definitley guitar and bass at some points, as well as sampled vocal interludes and of course, the basis of all Ambiance, the synth. Take it from somebody who likes achieve beauty in music, this is PURE beauty.
What about the forests?
Rating: B+

1. Abiogenesis
2. Vortex
3. Photsynthesis
4. Set Theory
5. Gryning
6. Transmission/Intermission
7. World of Sleepers
8. Proton/Electron
9. Erratic Patterns
10. Flytta Dig
11. Betula Pendula
