You may have noticed, but I have lately been completely isolating myself from the world. True, most of these days, I was snowed into my house and stuck there, but I've actually gone out of my way to ensure that I'm not bothered. For instance, I've deleted my facebook account, don't post any more videos on my youtube account, and don't respond to many text messages. I apologize, but I feel the need to be alone the next couple of weeks. I know I'm already anti-social as fuck, but I'm pretty sure becoming a total recluse for the next couple of days, weeks, whatever, will be good for me and help me figure myself out.
Don't be concerned about how little I update on here, and how little I strive to make contact with my friends because, honestly, we live about as far away from each other as we could. I'm going to try and move onto a new sector of my life because pining after the old one is starting to get redundant, and is starting to depress me more and more.
For those who don't know me, disregard this, and keep downloading.
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