Sunday, January 16, 2011

LSD and the Search for God - S/T

Artist: LSD and the Search for God
Album: LSD and the Search for God
Year: 2007
Genre: Shoegaze, Dream Pop
Country: U.S. (Cali)

Some albums deserve the fame they get. Others don't. That's what people believe, and to be honest, its kind of true. However, music is totally subjective, so its hard to say what deserves fame and what doesn't, because all opinions on this are bound to be biased as fuck. Whatever, whats trying to be said here is just going round in redundant circles and it has no point. What one considers a masterpiece may be a pile of shitty noise to another. If you're skeptical about this statement, you're an idiot.
Despite what was said above, this EP is arguably the cream of the crop when it comes to late 2000's Shoegaze. Its all a matter of opinion you may suppose, but look up any review and you will hear nothing but greatness. Realize though, this album is generally reviewed exclusively by Shoegaze nerds like, say, the writer of this specific review here. But face it, this is a Shoegaze blog. Deal with it.
But in reality, this album sounds much more like 90s Shoegaze than 00s Shoegaze. It's loud, abrasive and aggressive, yet beautiful, sweet and supple. This is just the way San Fransisco Bay Shoegaze is, very deep and beautiful, while achieving the fuzzy undertones of the Shoegaze definition. Little is known about LSD and the Search for God; this is their only public release, and they have said nothing about releasing anything else anytime soon. Damn shame really.
The first track, 'This Time', is a very fuzzy, yet not very aggressive ballad. This may sound like a weird description, but hey, weird music is good. Its all held together by a simple drum beat, which rings through the majority of the song. 'I don't Care' shows LSD's more aggressive side, with a memorable harmonizing riff to go along with fuzzy backing guitars. 'Starting Over', is a song that enables the loud/soft dynamic of My Bloody Valentine, with a very dreamy verse followed by the ear-shattering chorus. The highlight of the album indeed.
As said before, calling this a masterpiece really means nothing to anyone but myself, but it should at least be said. This album is a superb example of how the British style of Shoegaze was imitated by San Fransisco Bay-ers. This album was highly regarded by critics for a reason, and this is just another positive review.
Rating: A+

1. This Time
2. I Don't Care
3. Backwards
4. Staring Over
5. Starshine


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