Monday, January 3, 2011

Slowdive - Pygmalion

Artist: Slowdive
Album Pygmalion
Year: 1995
Genre: Dream Pop, Shoegaze, Ambient
Country: UK

If you're on here, I'm sure you know Slowdive. They pioneered Shoegaze in the 90s. You should have Souvlaki in your collection right now, and if you don't, I highly suggest you get off this blog until you do just that. However, most people, like me for a long time, stop there. Pygmalion was quite different, songs clock in at an average of around 5 or 6 minutes, The sound is nowhere near as aggressive, and even me calling it Shoegaze myself is kind of a stretch. However, I've always had this album downloaded, and never really gave it a good listen until I recognized one of the songs from this album on a film I recently watched. The film was 'Doom Generation' in case you were wondering. I also found it somewhat mediocre if you're wondering that too.
The song at the end of the movie is great though. The song was 'Blue Skied an' Clear' which in my opinion is the highlight of the album. It gives me a feeling of the apathetic nostalgia that I believe everyone experiences in their youth, particularly their later teen years. Honestly the whole album kind of sounds like this, like a dream that is fading away slowly, but its almost as if these are good memories you want to go away, so you can remember intently. I think this may be my own personal feeling from listening to this, but I wish you experience these thoughts as well. It just feels right.
My Rating: B

1. Rutti
2. Crazy for You
3. Miranda
4. Trellisaze
5. Cello
6. J's Heaven
7. Visions of La
8. Blue Skied an' Clear
9. All of us


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