Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Young Prisms - Friends for Now

Artist: Young Prisms
Album: Friends for Now
Year: 2011
Genre: Noise Pop, Lo-Fi, Shoegaze
Country: U.S. (Cali)

Ever since around 2007, there has been a small, yet significant revival of Shoegaze. No fans can deny this. Nowadays, however, instead of Shoegazers being total quality nerds with the greatest gear selections, and perfectionist sound recordings to the point that they make their label go almost bankrupt (*cough* Kevin Shields), there has been a fusion with the lo-fi tradition, that has also had a recent revival. Some people dub this as Shitgaze, a term coined by the band Psychedelic Horseshit. They're worth a listen if you're interested.
However, the genre of Shoegaze is quite loose sound-wise, and descriptively. Not all bands who play Shoegaze stare at their feet for the duration of a performance. In fact, for every show I've seen of bands who play Shoegaze, none of them are as secluded as everyone thinks. Post-rock though is a different story. Okay, now this is getting off-topic.
This album is very good. Though quite lo-fi as far as some Shoegaze goes, its still got the effects, the droning vocals, and the aggressive guitars of its contemporaries. I guess if I were to compare this to anyone, it would be a more low quality Kitchens of Distinction. And by low quality, I mean production styles, not quality of musicianship. The very ambient opener flows solidly in with the pounding drums of 'If You Want to'. "Stay Awake', the final track of the album is an epic ambient pop song. The highlight of the album indeed.  A solid album which I've only come across just recently, I figured I would share it.
Rating: B+

1. Friends for Now
2. If You Want to
3. Sugar
4. Eleni
5. In Your Room
6. All Day Holiday
7. Breathless
8. Feel Fine
9. If Don't Get Much
10. Stay Awake

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